Wednesday 22 October 2014

Comprehending Time

In films, on screen stories are generally not taken in real time. Films usually present whole lives of a person in an hour and a half. There are different techniques that directors can use to show time passing, e.g. time/date information typed up on screen, a flash forward or flash back, repetition, reverse motion and freeze frame. 
Another technique used in story telling is 'dream sequences'. This sets a brief break from the main story of the film and includes a convincing dream which turns out to be false. 

A flash forward transitions the narrative further into the future. These are used to represent events that could happen, whereas flash backs view events that have already happened that are being looked back on to give further depth to a narrative. 

The film 'Click' (2006) includes many flash forwards as the plot of the film is all about the manipulation of time and representations of future events that could happen unless the main character makes some changes to his current life. 

1 comment:

  1. The concept of 'time' would come under the section of editing when discussing representation in your exam - think of the flash backs in Dr Who
