Monday 20 October 2014

Narrative - 3 Act Structure

Act 1: is the first act of the film, usually is the first quarter of the whole film.

Act 1 sets up the film, there is an exposition which introduces the characters and lets the audience see what type of character they are. The exposition introduces the main character, the dramatic premise and the dramatic situation.

Main character: has an objective to achieve, is the main focus of the story.

Dramatic Premise: what the story is about.

Dramatic Situation: an event that sets the plot of the film, which occurs halfway through act 1.

An 'inciting incident' gets the plot of the film moving halfway through the first act. 

Act 2: is the second act of the film, it takes up half of the film. 

In act 2 there are obstacles, which prevent the main character from achieving what they need to. 

First Culmination: just before halfway through the film, the main character almost achieves their goal, however, everything falls apart before they do. 

Midpoint: the main character reaches their weakness and lowest point in the film as they seem so far away from achieving their goal. 

Act 3: is the penultimate act of the film, this is the final quarter of the film.

Climax: the plot of the film reaches its highest tension between the two opposite forces, they confront each other in an intense battle of emotional or physical action. 

Denouement: this is the short time of calmness at the end of the film where a new equilibrium is created or the equilibrium from the start of act 1 returns. 

Example of the 3 Act Structure

In Frozen (2013) the 3 Act Structure is present within the film. 

At the beginning of the film two young sisters playing in the snow happily and innocently. The older sister, Elsa, accidentally freezes the younger sister, Anna, and has to be isolated from her for years. They are reunited years later when the sister panics and sets off an eternal winter by her magic powers. 
- The exciting incident (Act 1)

In a desperate attempt to bring home her sister, Anna is frozen completely as Elsa's powers are too forceful. She has also been tricked by a prince claiming to love her just to become King of her kingdom, which put her life at risk as she almost could not be saved in time. 
- The Midpoint (Act 2)

In the end, both sisters are safe and Anna finds a new romance.One of the final lines is 'only love can thaw a frozen heart' which sets the new equilibrium of happiness all round.
- Denouement (Act 3)

1 comment:

  1. Add images from a film showing each point in the three act structure - state name of film
