Wednesday 22 October 2014

Audience Classification

Below is a SlideShare presentation I have created which explains audience classification, including types of audience research and types of audiences/social groups. 

Demographic: age, gender, race, social status.

Psychographic: interests, hobbies, beliefs, morals attitudes.

Audience Engagement: how an audience reacts to a media text, different people have different reactions to the same text.

Audience Expectations: the ideology that an audience will have before they see a media text, for example, if they know a film's genre is action, they will expect it to be action-packed and intense.

When creating my own opening title sequence, the audience will most likely be aimed at those within the 13-25 year old age group. This is because generally this age group enjoy thriller films more than older age group who may enjoy genres such as action. Also those in education may have more free leisure time than those in full time jobs and will spend more time watching films. 

1 comment:

  1. You'll need to consider and show the examiner your understanding of your own audience's demographic and psychographic for your OTS - lots of marks for considering your audience at EVERY stage of the process when doing your posts and making your OTS - feedback at every stage vital for top marks.
