Friday 19 September 2014

OTS Textual Analysis: Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

In the Opening Title Sequence of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it starts with quite intense music playing which gives a creepy feel to the sequence. The first camera shot is a close up of some skulls and bones against a wall, the use of these props connotes danger as they symbolise death. 

The camera tilts downwards from the skulls, where a snake appears out of a small hole at the bottom of this wall. As the snake's head travels past the camera, the shot moves with the snake and follows it in the form of a hand held shot. The camera is placed at a high angle so it is looking down onto the snake as it moves. Whilst the snake is moving, soft but eerie music is playing, with whispering voices every so often which give an intense feel as the audience do not know who the voices belong to because there are no people in sight. 

After filming the snake, the camera then tilts upwards to show a statue with a skeleton there. This adds to the dangerous feel created by the skulls and bones previously as it again symbolises death. After this, the camera tilts upwards into the sky, then back down again where an establishing shot of a graveyard is shown before the main film starts. 

The whole sequence has been filmed in a long take, probably filmed by using a track and dolly to create a movement effect.

The lighting is very dim, which gives an eerie effect and this is further given by the snake as this is quite a sly animal. The skull props on the wall symbolise that the scene is a dangerous place as these symbolise death and decay.


  1. Good so far - but discuss editing and mise en scene as well. Also when discussing the music outline the instruments used and the genre so you are starting to be a lot more specific.

    1. Editing - the whole OTS has been filmed in a long take, probably filmed by using a track and dolly to give a movement effect.
      Mise en scene - the lighting is very dim, which gives an eerie effect and this is further given by the snake as this is quite a sly animal. The skull props on the wall symbolise that the scene is a dangerous place as these symbolise death and decay.

  2. Please put the information in your comment into your post
