Mass Audience: popular/mainstream shows, e.g. soaps, which target a broad range of people like, men, women, adults, children.
EastEnders would have a mass audience.
Niche Audience: a smaller group of people, which is selective based on a unique interest.
Wheeler Dealers would have a niche audience.
Katz and Blumler:
Katz and Blumler found that there were 3 main elements that provided audiences with satisfaction: information, personal identity and integration and social interaction.
Information: the use of sources to understand information about events, this gratitudes curiosity by increasing knowledge.
Personal Identity: increases individuality, people only look up things that reinforce their own values based on their personal interests.
Integration and Social Interaction: an insight into the position of other people, this brings a sense of empathy from the viewer. For example someone may watch a TV programme or film based on something they can relate to in their own personal life.
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